Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre - Desco

Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre

This LEED Silver project includes 23,500 square feet of polished concrete with a salt-and-pepper finish. The unique joint development by the City of Edmonton and Edmonton Eskimo Football Club adds a multi-use recreation complex complete with swimming pool, gymnasium, and field house (indoor arena) to Edmonton, Alberta’s iconic Commonwealth Stadium. It involved master planning for the entire Commonwealth Stadium site to organize the stadium’s sports fields and the adjacent Clark Field with new public squares, walkways, and park landscaping.

Desco Coatings of Alberta Ltd. provided the polished concrete in all of the main concrete walkway areas including concrete benches, some walls and columns, and the treads and risers of the featured staircases. The walls and tread risers themselves proved to be an interesting challenge to patch, fill, and polish to match the floor. Various mock-ups and patching materials were tested to achieve a finish that met all of the project requirements.

This project is the winner of the 2014 Concrete Surfaces Polishing Award in the Commercial Category.